Monday, 16 November 2009

A strange beginning...

There is a lot to discuss about the introduction to motherhood. Every experience is different and before having my child I had heard quite a few accounts from a number of mothers. I was certain of one thing; that my experience, no matter what I gleaned from articles, magazines, other parents and family, would be something I would not forget in a hurry.

My partner and I had been to several antenatal classes so we were clued up on delivery and pain relief whatnot. I was armed with a tens machine, maternity mats and snacks. But on nothing, I mean nothing prepared me for the coming of my baby girl on February 2008 at 10.45pm. That was the moment that changed my life and introduced a new life into mine.

It would've been nice to say that it was an amazing experience - that the angels sang as I was welcomed into motherhood but honestly...I was on the operating table with the anesthetist telling me stuff I could hardly hear above the humming in my ears. My partner (god love him) was trying to stay focused as well as being welcomed to fatherhood himself. So to see her little squashed face was both a relief and a strange beginning.

The days that followed were filled with nervous musings and bone wrenching 'indecision' i.e. how do I change a nappy? How tight do I do the waist band? Is her poo really meant to look like this? Where do I put the nappy cream? That was before I left the hospital.

People kept asking me if being a mother was great and wasn't I over the moon. I had to admit I was still shell shocked (still am!) and my answer would be "ask me that question again in about a year's time!" The conversation would pretty much stop after that. I was asked by a friend who owns a baby website if I would like to post a blog when little 'A' was about four weeks old, I said I'd think about it but being a new mum I had enough to get my head around without a new fangled thing like blogging!
I was more concerned with when I'd be able to get dressed; brush my teeth; wash or eat again? Every minute of my day was taken up with looking after or worrying over my baby and when she slept I would sit in front of the TV or take a shower. I could feed, change and bath little 'A' but multi-tasking i.e. feeding, changing or bathing myself was a complete no, no.

It wasn't until my baby was 8 weeks old that I discovered the outdoors again!

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