Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Oh what to buy!

I am editing this post at the moment and will soon be adding more ideas of where to find bargain clothes and quality please come again for a visit I would love to hear your comments.

One thing I discovered while becoming a new mum was shopping for my expected baby could be expensive. So my partner and myself started searching car boots, table top sales and the local supermarket to gage how much we could buy on the budget we had. Of course we wanted to kit out our first born with all the latest gear from Gap, Mothercare, Next or H&M but the budget just would not stretch so we looked for other options:

The car boot.

We found stalls selling baby clothes, toys, moses baskets; basically anything baby orientated at a quarter if not a fifth of the original retail price and because babies grow so quickly most of the stuff was nearly or brand new! At one stall the woman had washed, folded and bagged all her baby and toddler items giving the impression of fresh, new clothes. We liked this and ended up purchasing practically little A's whole first wardrobe. 20 bags (large freezer sized) of baby grows, cardigans, hats, mitts, soft shoes, vests, fleece coat, winter coat, body warmer for when she got older to name a few, at an astounding price of £31.00. It's amazing what you can pick up at a car boot.

The supermarket.

I used my local a lot during my pregnancy and after A's birth. The clothes are just so versatile. I found that I could buy just a few bigish tops and they fitted all the way through my nine months and for a few weeks after and I'm a very curvy person so this was a huge find for me.

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