Tuesday, 15 December 2009

A shocking bit of news!

Just been watching the news about the two nursery workers charged with sexual abuse of children in their care. What is the world coming to??!!

I have to reduce my child's nursery days in the new year and I really don't want to lose the place but if circumstances change and she has to go back into full time nursery well, quite frankly, I'm concerned with putting her anywhere other than where she is now.

How can you well and truly vet a childcare establishment when these sinister types are still working among those you are meant to trust with your child?

I tell ya, it scares me, it really does.


  1. I know, it's shocking and terrifying in equal measure. You just have to trust your instincts or you drive yourself mad with worry. It's horrible having to leave them anyway but with that added anxiety it's really tough. Interested to hear on your comment on my blog that you have left the smoke for Yorkshire? Hope it's working out x

  2. Hi Holly,
    Yes it's working out...I've been living up here for nearly five years now. Our daughter is going to be two in February so I would say this is my home. I have to say though, there is no city anywhere like London. It is unique in its sprawlingness! Thanks for following.

    I'm still getting the hang of this blogging lark, difficult to know what to write!
